i am Endicott

The Cider Mill & The Ciotoli Family
The Fall season means a visit to the Cider Mill. And you can’t tell a story about the Cider Mill without talking about the Ciotoli Family and the man who started it all, Anthony Ciotoli Sr. Anthony was an employee of Endicott Johnson but during the 1930’s he started his own business picking up coal in PA and trucking it back to NY. In 1941 Anthony’s business was growing, so he decided to purchase 2 Nanicoke Ave in Endicott. The following year Anthony bought the adjacent Cider Mill building. And so the Ciotoli family’s Cider Mill business began. Back in those days the Mill would process apples for about 1 cent per gallon, handling about 2000 gallons a day. As the business grew, Anthony brought his two sons, Orlando and Anthony Jr. into the business. They passed it on to Orlando’s sons Jim and Dan. The rest, as they say, is history. For thousands of families, Autumn, Halloween and the Cider Mill go hand and hand. We go there for their cider, donuts and candy apples as well as pumpkins, 26 varieties of New York apples and even mums, Indian corn and hay stacks. Want to see how their famous Cider and Donuts are made? Well you can take one of their free tours. Did you know that The Cider Mill does over 80 school field trips every Autumn on top of the fundraising they do for local schools.
And let us not forget the Cider Mill Stage. The Ciotoli family worked hard to bring back the Cider Mill Stage, so make sure you check their schedule and get your tickets for “A Christmas Carol”! Thank you Jim, Dan, and all the Ciotoli family for truly helping make this a great place to live!