[ remember when ]

A look back…

remember we’ve all sat around the table when we were younger, listening to the stories our parents told us of growing up here. The stories were of families. People we were lucky enough to know, and those we never had the chance to meet. The stories made us laugh and some made us sad. But all the stories made us take note of the bond people had with each other and how they made do with what they had. The stories were of their jobs, family meals they shared, those who went off to war, and those who never returned. But through it all there was always a common thread, these were and are amazing people. Our families built these towns we live in. Our families sacrificed for each other, their neighbors and their country. And, they knew how to have a good time through it all by the relationships and bonds they created.

Memories, Philly Sales

Memories, Philly Sales

How can anyone forget the smell of Philly’s popcorn. Popped and bagged on the bottom floor of the Clinton St retail, the sweet buttery fragrance permeated every inch of the store like a welcoming embrace as you entered through their doors. I sat down with...

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