Bethany’s love for physical activity began in her hometown of Denver, Colorado where dance became her passion. Her skills took her up and beyond as she was accepted into the University of Utah School of Modern Dance.

Bethany took being a dancer seriously, but at the age of 20 she had to have a spine fusion; a result of dance related injuries. The recovery from that surgery is eventually what led her to Bikram Yoga.

Bethany had always looked at fitness as a getaway. It was as an outlet to help her get through difficult times. After her surgery, and finding herself limited in the physical aspect, she turned to yoga. Yoga not only allowed her to stay in physical shape, it also opened her mind emotionally. She learned to be kind to herself.

“When I took my first Bikram class I knew that this was my calling and that it would be a lifetime practice and a lifetime career for me.

As co-owner of Bikram yoga, Bethany’s job is never done…. she arrives at the studio around 8, checks inventory and cleans the studio. She teaches 4 classes throughout the day. Her last class of the day ends at 7. After class is over she cleans the studio again, showers and changes for her drive back to Albany. If that isn’t enough she also teaches a Bikram yoga training program in Albany.

Being active and physically and emotionally in shape is important to Bethany. Her healthy lifestyle obviously includes exercise but she also keeps a vegetarian healthy diet and counts her macros.

Bikram is her favorite type of yoga. She loves how healing it is and the way she feels after class. And because it is the most accessible type of yoga she has seen others healed after incorporating it into their lives.

Bethany has had a student who suffered from rheumatoid arthritis and was unable to move. Upon making yoga part of their everyday lifestyle this individual can now do every single pose. Bethany also had a student who was able to lower their dosage of diabetes medication after just three months of yoga.

This is the joy that Bethany gets from yoga.

Bikram yoga is her favorite style, but that is not all that Bikram Yoga has to offer. Remember, getting to class is the hard. So make sure to stop in and say hi to Bethany and the rest of the staff at Bikram Yoga, and book a class!