We have a celebrity in our area. You may recognize him as one of the contestants in NBC’s The Biggest Loser. His name is Trent Patterson and he is from Endicott.
Trent told me that after his marriage and the birth of his first son he was motivated to become healthier. Trent has always been athletic and even played football at the University of Alabama. He joined the national reality show to find out what he was missing in his daily life that could make him healthier. He found the missing piece was nutrition.
“I found out that I didn’t need the 7000 calories I was eating so I had to re-program myself and learn about carbs, fats and proteins and what it means to us”.
According to Trent it is not the number on the scale you need to be concerned with in your life. Instead you need to re-program your thinking to realize that it is your blood pressure number, cholesterol number and sugar numbers that matter and if they are controlled you will lose weight.
Since that show, he has found a deeper understanding of nutrition, and he has revamped his training to fit the needs of athletes including the Chenango Forks football team, Binghamton High School athletes, and at the Greater Binghamton Sports Center. He even changed the name of his business to Training for Life because we all need to be motivated to stay healthier.
Trent is so dedicated to this lifelong mission of helping others of all ages be healthy that he has co-authored a book with Bill Clark called Lifting Spirits and has been an inspirational force in helping people continue with healthier habits.