Rachel Sloan’s Fit for Life : A Healthy Life

rachel sloan fit for life a healthy lifeA healthy diet doesn’t mean counting macros and calories until you’ve restricted yourself to only kale and an almond a day. Have fun, but balance out your workouts and diet to make sure you’re seeing a positive results instead of being stuck on a plateau. What I mean when I say this if you want to have a cheat meal, then cheat! Do not deprive yourself from what you are craving, if you do this you will not cheat once, but several times on a binge. When you do cheat though go harder in the gym. Push yourself to achieve new personal records whether it be you ran an extra 3 minutes today than you did yesterday, or you had more. I restrict myself to one cheat meal a week, which normally includes desert. The rest of the week, whether I have meal prepped for the week, or I do go out to eat includes lots of protein to ensure my muscles are getting the juice they need. Instead of the fried chicken sandwich go for the grilled chicken. I promise your cravings will still be met, but with a healthier outcome.