Photo of the Month:
A Night At The Endicott Holiday Parade
This photo was taken on Washington Avenue just after Santa made his appearance at the Holiday Parade.
Every now and then you take a photo that you just have to share. Such is the case with this photo. But it’s not special because of the lens I used. It’s not special because of the camera I used or the lighting or anything I did. It’s special because of the two young people in it. This photo captured a very simple and nice moment in time in the life of these two really nice kids. If you were ever wondering how much we get out of all the parades here, you need look no further than the expression on the faces of these children who even took the time to come in holiday theme to welcome Santa and enjoy the parade. And that is priceless!
If you have a photo you’ve taken, or a painting and would like to share it in our magazine let us know.
Maybe you’ll be our next feature.