September Bartender Of The Month -Brittani Biermann
Let us introduce you to Brittani Biermann, our September Bartender of the month. Brittani grew up in Pennsylvania, attending high school at Blue Ridge Academy and Montrose where she was Captain of her Cheer Leading Squad. Growing up in a small town Brittani recalls simple things she enjoyed like just going for walks by the pond by her house. But her fondest memories were of family dinners and watching football with all the relatives afterwards. She may have grown up in PA but everyone in her family are Giants fans.
Receiving her diploma two years ahead of schedule Brittani has shown she has the motivation to attain any goal she sets. And right now her one motivation is to give her daughter Trinity the best life she can. You’ll always find the two together whether they’re at the park, shopping, and then bringing clothes to the salvation army, or even just back at that same old pond taking a walk and fishing.
A resident now of Endicott, Brittani loves her job bartending at South Side Chubby’s and everything the area has to offer. Her plans for the future may include going into criminal justice or possibly staying in the food and beverage field and one day having her own establishment. Whichever way she goes we know she’ll be a success.
Thanks for the interview Brittani and good luck in all you do !!
South Side Chubby’s
299 Conklin Ave, Binghamton, NY